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5 Ways to Embrace Cancer Prevention - April is Cancer Control and Prevention Month!

Apr 12, 2024
A healthcare provider performing a cancer screening
April is Cancer Control and Prevention Month - a time to focus on ways we can all work to prevent cancer, find it early, improve treatments, and help people with cancer live better lives.

April is Cancer Control and Prevention Month - a time to focus on the steps we can all take to reduce the risk of developing cancer. The President of the United States officially designates April as a time to raise awareness about preventing cancer, detecting it early, improving cancer treatments, and helping cancer patients have a better quality of life.

Alertive Healthcare, a leading medical group in Riverside, CA, is supporting Cancer Control and Prevention Month because we believe in providing high-quality preventive health care to reduce hospitalizations and improve the quality of life of each individual.

A study by the CDC revealed that between 30-50% of cancers diagnosed today could be prevented through methods like decreasing environmental and toxic exposures to carcinogens, making lifestyle changes like reducing tobacco use, and improving nutrition. While there has been major progress in beating cancer with new medicines, therapies, early detection methods, and prevention measures, cancer is still the second-leading cause of death in the United States. This is why we emphasize the importance of taking preventive health measures.

5 Ways to Embrace Cancer Prevention

1. Implement a Daily Sunscreen Routine

Sunscreen protects the skin by absorbing and reflecting ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. UV radiation, both UVA and UVB, can damage skin cells and lead to the development of skin cancer. A broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 is recommended for everyday use. While sunscreen helps minimize sun damage, no sunscreen completely blocks all wavelengths of UV light, so it's advisable to take extra measures like seeking shade or wearing protective clothing.

2. Get Vaccinated for Cancer-Causing Viruses

Vaccines can prevent infection by cancer-causing viruses like HPV or Hepatitis B. The HPV and hepatitis B vaccines work by training the immune system to recognize and fight off these viruses before they can establish an infection. Preventing these viral infections prevents the development of virus-associated cancers, such as cervical, vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal, and some head and neck cancers caused by HPV, as well as liver cancer caused by the hepatitis B virus.

3. Stay Physically Active

Physical activity, such as walking, running, dancing, biking, swimming, performing household chores, exercising, and engaging in sports activities, has been linked to a lower risk of several types of cancer. Incorporating activities you enjoy can help you stay physically active and reduce your cancer risk.

4. Limit Alcohol and Quit Smoking

Smoking and alcohol consumption are major modifiable risk factors for cancer. Smoking is the leading avoidable cancer risk factor, associated with causing 12 different types of cancer. Alcohol consumption also increases the risk of several cancer types. Reducing or eliminating these behaviors can significantly lower your cancer risk.

5. Eat a Balanced, Healthy Diet

While there is no magical food or diet that can prevent cancer, eating meals rich in healthy foods like vegetables, whole grains, beans, and fruit, and avoiding highly processed foods, can help reduce the risk for certain cancers. Making small, sustainable adjustments to your eating habits can make a big difference in your overall health.

Schedule Your Cancer Screenings

A healthcare provider at Alertive Healthcare in Riverside, CA, can assess your risk for cancers, recommend cancer screenings based on your age and risk factors, and answer any questions you have about preventive healthcare. The earlier cancer is detected, the better the chances of successful treatment, so routine cancer screenings are essential.

This Cancer Control and Prevention Month, we encourage our community in Riverside, CA, to prioritize prevention and take control of their wellbeing. Together, let's work towards preventing and catching cancer earlier. We invite you to speak to a member of our team by calling 951-724-4954 or sending us a message online to schedule your cancer screenings and discuss your personalized cancer prevention plan.